Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Human Rights vs. Human Lives

Image result for state of the nation address duterte 2018

In the 3rd State of the Nation Address of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, he discussed many things but he highlighted the issue about the drug-related killings. That his concern is human lives not the human rights because the lives of the youths are being wasted and many families are being destroyed because of the chemicals called shabu, cocaine, cannabis and heroin.

I got the point of President Duterte that human lives are more important than the human rights that is protecting the criminals who killed and can kill more innocent people. It is just right to give a formidable punishment to the criminals who killed and done unlawful and inhumanly doings to their victims. Why are we going to spare the criminal's life if they mercilessly and ruthlessly killed or took someone's life? A person who is addicted on drugs cannot think right anymore because their mind was been destroyed by the chemicals that they were taking. That's why they kill and harass innocent people because they can't think right because of the illegal drugs that they were taking. Those people who are using drugs are the main source of crimes in our country that's why many innocent people were involved and got killed because of their doings. The drug traffickers should realize that taking those drugs aren't helpful and it can only lead many problems and complications in our country. They should be penalized or sentenced with a life imprisonment because it is their fault why they were punished, they knew that it was harmful and it has many bad effects but they still continue to take it. They should know the importance of everyone's life.

Those drug traffickers should stop using illegal drugs and should change their lives because many lives are being wasted and destroyed. We only live once so we better do only the right things, and we should respect and value everyone's life.



  1. do you support extrajudicial killing? why or why not?

  2. Right. We should not spare the lives of those who did inhumane acts.
