Thursday, July 12, 2018

War against Drugs

President - Republic of the Philippines 
Malacañang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

Related imageImage result for president rodrigo duterteI would like to congratulate and express my gratitude for leading our country. I am very glad and thankful for your immediate action in suppressing the drug lords, drug pushers and drug users in our country but the problem is that many innocent people got involved in the operation against drugs. You kept your words when you're still campaigning for the position of Presidency that you will vanish all those who are involved in illegal drugs because they are the source of crimes in our country. They cause many cases like killing, murdering, harassing, raping, stealing and many unlawful doings. These cases were lessen when when they started the war against drugs. Many drug traffickers were arrested and some of them were killed because they attempted to exchange bullets to the police that's why many innocent people were involved and got killed because of what those drug traffickers have done. Our fears were lessen because the number of drug traffickers are dropping because of the active and continuous operation of the Philippine National Police and other government agencies. There are many complaints and rants about your vulgarity and how you lead our country but I respect your own opinions because I know that we have different beliefs and I know that you just want what's best for our country. We thank you for securing our safety by clearing those drug traffickers. Our country is slowly developing and growing because  of your great leadership.

I hope that you will continue what you've started and that you'll accomplish all your projects until you term is done to make our country peaceful, drug free and safe to live in.

Respectfully yours,
Mija Kirsten C. Rimay


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