Thursday, July 5, 2018

Loose of Grip, Grief of Lose

Independence Day is a national holiday in the Philippines. It is celebrated every 12th of June. When our ancestors were colonized by the powerful countries, they thought many ways on how to free our country from them in order to save the next generations from their harmful hands and to let them feel or experience freedom in our own country. We owe the freedom that we are experiencing today to our brave ancestors who contributed and fought the colonizers in order to claim what is ours. So, what are we going to do in order to preserve the memories that our ancestors left?

Nowadays, many Filipino youths are neglecting and ignoring the sacrifices of our ancestors who are willing to sacrifice their lives in fighting for our rights in having our country freely. Some also doesn't know what happened during the time when we are colonized and who are our ancestors who are brave enough to lead and convince them to fight in order to end their suffering from the hands of the colonizers. They are fond of using gadgets and social media that they ignored or forgot to give attention about the history of our country or how did our country freed because maybe they find all of these not interesting or boring. It is important for us to know the happenings during the time when our country was still colonized. We should always remember, give importance and celebrate the Independence Day in order to give respect and honor to our heroes who sacrificed and fought for our freedom. What they've done was a big thing for our country, if not for them maybe we are still under the hands of the merciless colonizers.

It is very important to remember the time when our country was free from the colonizers. We should treasure it because our ancestors suffered a lot in order for us to have freedom in our own country. Therefore, we, the youths should start appreciating and knowing all about the contributions of our fearless heroes against the powerful colonizers. We should do it now because according to our national hero, we, the youth are the hope of our country.

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