Thursday, March 7, 2019


In our last quarter in ICT 10 in this school year, we discussed and learned image editing using Photoshop. We already learned this when we were in the lower years but learning and studying it again was really fun because our knowledge in Photoshop was added.

We learned about the different tools in the Photoshop and it's use or function. We were taught how to use this tools in editing an image. It was fun knowing and learning these stuffs because it can be a great help for us in the near future. There are many things that we can use the Photoshop. We can use this in editing a picture with flaws, when we make an advertisment and in making an image wonderful. 

It's our last year in Junior High School and hoping that I can apply all the lessons that we've learned. Our lessons in ICT will be really useful and helpful in the future.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

My Dream, My Future

"Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path." This serves as my guide while I'm still in the long run of becoming a doctor.

My dream started when I was in elementary. All I ever wanted is to be a doctor. That's why I kept in mind that if I want to achieve my dream, I need to give extra effort and work hard. For me to reach this dream of mine, I need to have trust in myself that I can do this, to have courage, to study hard, to have patience because knowing that before for me to be a doctor I need to study long, and to have a passion on what will I do. I really want to fulfill my dream cause I want to help the Filipinos who can't afford the hospital bills in the future. I wan't to be a great help in the future that's why I'm doing my best to achieve my dream.

I'm in my last year of being a Junior High School student and I'm happy that I did it. Being a student is wonderful despite the many projects, assignments and activities that we've gone through. But wearing a white lab gown with a stethoscope hanging on my neck would be the most fulfilling and happiest thing that can happen in my life.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

117th High School Day Celebration

High School Day is the most awaited celebration in our school, Ilocos Sur National High School and we have just celebrated the 117th High School day last March 1-2, 2019. There are many activities in this event but the most highlighted were the coronation and the field demo of the students from Junior and Senior High School.

The first day of the said celebration was to welcome and crown the royal highnesses. And on the second day was the most exciting day of the said celebration because all of the students in our school will participate and can showcase their talents. On that day, students wear their beautiful and colorful costumes with their props and have parade in the morning. And in the afternoon, the contest began and it was shown on the students faces that they were enjoying what they're doing. The students practiced for almost one month that's why they give their very best on the day of their performance. The teachers of the school also have their performance and was cheered by their students. They are dancing lively and all of them were giving their best. And watching them dance with a smile plastered on their faces was really breathtaking and unforgettable.

All of the students really enjoyed that day. The grade 8 girls and boys won the contest but after the High School Day Celebration, all went back to normal because the following weeks will be really a hard week for the students because of the upcoming test.