Thursday, February 14, 2019

Change: Starts with Me

Change is the only permanent thing in this world. You can either change for the better or change for the worst. Probably, you’ll be thinking what will happen if something or someone changed without you knowing or noticing.

Truth is, there’s always a change happening in our lives that we don’t notice and we’ll just found out that everything has changed and we can’t do anything about it but to just live with it and accept it. That’s why we should change our bad habits now and start doing good things that will help and benefit yourself and others because you can't turn back time and once something has changed without you doing anything about it will surely haunt you and make you question yourself many what ifs. It's better to change for the better now and do the right things than to regret the things that you didn't do.

     For you to help other people change for the better, you need to do it first to yourself, you should change the things that you think isn't good for you and can ruin you as a person. If everyone will change for the better then we will surely have a beautiful and peaceful life. 

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