Monday, December 10, 2018

The Real Essence of Christmas

Christmas is a season wherein people are giving and receiving gifts. Christmas is celebrated to commemorate the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. It is an important event for us Catholics because in this day we will honor and remember the day of Jesus Christ. But what is really the true or real essence of Christmas? It is just all about gifts?

Christmas is a very important event that comes once in a year. Christmas is the season of joy, peace and great tidings. At Christmas, we are expected to spare time to contemplate on things eternal.  So, we should know the true essence of Christmas. Christmas is not just all about giving or receiving gifts. Christmas is all about love and forgiveness. Instead of giving many and expensive gifts this coming Christmas why don't we just simply express and make them feel that they are being loved and appreciated. We should also forgive the people who have done something wrong to us and we should also ask for forgiveness for the people we have done something wrong. Giving and sharing what we have and having a great bond with our loved ones are the best and happiest thing to do during Christmas. These are the real essence of Christmas. 

Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God. The true spirit of Christmas is in our hearts. We should love and forgive one another in order for us to live happily and peacefully.


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