Monday, January 14, 2019


We started the school year quite chill. Based on mama's point of view, their fourth year as high school students was the easiest one by far. So i expected it to be really easy but truth is, its real crazy!
     Third quarter is by far the most tiring quarter. Yes, we did have a very looooong Christmas vacation but the returns of it was hectic schedules. We've been very busy with our requirements even in our rest days that we failed to notice that the second to the last quarter of this school year has already come to an end. Very exaggerating if i tell that this pains me more enough than how its been but it truly is what i feel. Ending the bond between this set of classmates or more of what is a family, is really hard. All of the memories that's been made from the very first days of my life here in Ilocos Sur National High School will very well be cherished. Special mention to my happy pills, Alexia and Mish. You two made my Junior High School life a very happy one. You two are the best!
     Its been a roller-coaster yet i must say it has been the best years I've spent in a school. All of the hardships and tears always pays off with a laughter and smile. One day i hope we all can meet again and spend time together remembering all of these that we had, dear maxconi.